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Christian Historical Fiction


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Faith of Our Fathers Series

Book 1

Book 2

Book 3

Book 4

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Joyce Crawford

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Step into a world of adventure, thrills, and fantasy with my Christian historical fiction stories!


As someone who has always been passionate about telling Bible stories to children, I am excited to share with you, my new audience.


Each chapter begins with a Scripture verse (KJV) that parallels the story. In my first book, The Warehouse, I also sprinkled hymns throughout the story that match the characters’ emotions.


My stories are set in historical times and places and feature thrills, adventure, a bit of whimsy, and clean romance that will leave you feeling inspired.


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Let's embark on this journey together!

Award-winning author 
of  Christian historical fiction

My name is Joyce Burton Crawford. I am what some may call a "cradle Christian," having grown up in church as soon as the doctor gave his nod. I was surrounded by two generations of God-fearing family and taught to worship and love God, The Trinity.
When I was four years old, Granny B. taught me my first Bible verse: Isaiah 56:3  "What time I am afraid, I will trust in Thee."
And, my maternal grandmother taught me numerous hymns even before I could read. She would stand me on a chair so everyone could see me, and I sang to the Lord.









Hollywood Excellent Merit Award


"To God be the glory,
great things He hath done."

Joyce Crawford


My books include stories of ...

Family and Community
Overcoming Adversities
God's care and mercy

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32664(352) 214-6539

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A Memorable Moment

One of my most memorable quotes was when I was teaching Bible stories in children's church. One little girl jumped up from her seat on the story time rug and announced, "Wait! Wait! I have to go to the potty and I don's want to miss a thing."


I hope I can give you the same experience with my Christian historical fiction novels.

Wishing you God's blessings and love, I am,
Joyce Crawford

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