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Book 2 in the Christian historical fiction series, Faith of Our Fathers

Jamestown - A New Life Self-published by Joyce Crawford

SKU: 217537123517253
  • Richard de Burton is a prisoner of his own mind. His past haunts him. He did not complete knights’ training due to physical limitations. Consequently, each time he walks down the endless corridor of his ancestral home, he feels deep despair. Portraits of his knighted and venerated ancestors seem to peer down at him and hiss their condemnation. He would never earn the title of knight of the realm nor live up to their expectations.

    Adding heartbreak to his self-loathing, he lost the love of his life, Elizabeth.

    Feeling he has nothing to live for, Richard leaves his ancestral manor in Staffordshire, England, in November of 1605 and sails to The New World. In leaving England, he hopes he can start a new life where he does not feel the weight of failure and loss on his shoulders.

    After a harrowing journey across the sea, Jamestown is not quite what Richard expects, but it is a new place to prove himself, find a new home, and hopefully find someone with whom he can share his meager home. But there’s only one woman he wants to spend his life with, Elizabeth, his first love. But that is not to be, for her parents promised Elizabeth to an Earl, a man of great wealth and advanced age, in an arranged marriage. Can anyone take the place of his dear Elizabeth?

    Richard finds friendships with the most unlikely people in the Virginia colony’s virgin forest. He learns what it means to start fresh and show God’s love to everyone, even those deemed savages by everyone else.

    What awaits Richard in Jamestown? Will he find a new home with love and hope and prove that he’s more than a title?

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