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Faith of Our Father

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English coin King Edward I

Book 1
The Royal Order of the Last Coin

The Royal Order of the Last Coin

Available on Amazon in print, e-book, and audiobook.  Ask your local bookstore or library to purchase this book.

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"The Royal Order of the Last Coin" is a captivating blend of historical fact and the rich tapestry of the Burton family's lineage. Set against the backdrop of 14th-century England, amidst the tumult of William Wallace's execution, King Edward I bestows knighthood upon Walter de Burton, a loyal warrior torn between his allegiance to the crown and his devotion to God. His son, Milton de Burton, watches with a mix of pride and yearning.
As father and son share intimate moments amidst the chaos of campaigns, they discuss forbidden topics such as the Holy Scriptures, with Sir de Burton cautioning against the Church's disapproval of non-clergy reading the sacred texts. Yet, it is a passage from the Song of Solomon, shared by Sir de Burton with young Milton, that lingers in the boy's heart, causing him anguish until he discovers its deeper wisdom through the love of a maiden.
The narrative weaves together threads of Christian faith, scripture, and the courage of figures like John Wycliff, whose sacred hymns and passages punctuate the tale. Through generations, the story unfolds, tracing the journey of the Burton lineage across continents and time, from the hallowed halls of medieval England to the untamed wilds of the British Virginia colonies.
Embedded within the narrative is the enduring legacy of a coin bestowed in 14th-century England, symbolizing not just wealth but also the interwoven destinies of the Burton family and an unexpected link to Native American bloodlines. As Captain Richard Burton, the intrepid explorer, ventures into the New World, the story of the Last Coin continues, bridging cultures and continents in a saga of courage, faith, and the enduring power of familial bonds.

Faith of Our Fathers

Book 2
Jamestown - A New Life

Available on Amazon in print, e-book, and audiobook.  Ask your local bookstore or library to purchase this book.

Jamestown - A New Life


Jamestown - A New Life


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Richard de Burton is trapped in the prison of his own mind, haunted by a past marked by unfulfilled dreams and lost love. Denied the opportunity to complete his knightly training due to physical limitations, he feels the weight of failure with each step through the echoing halls of his ancestral home in Staffordshire, England. The watchful eyes of his knighted ancestors' portraits seem to mock his inadequacy, condemning him to a life of perpetual disappointment.
Driven by despair, Richard sets sail for the New World in November of 1605, seeking solace in the promise of a fresh start far from the judgmental gaze of his forebears. But Jamestown, with its untamed wilderness and unfamiliar challenges, is not the sanctuary he envisioned. Yet, amidst the uncertainty, Richard glimpses an opportunity for redemption, a chance to carve out a new existence where his worth is not measured by titles or expectations.
However, his heart remains tethered to the memory of Elizabeth, his lost love, whose betrothal to another man shatters his hopes of reconciliation. As Richard navigates the complexities of colonial life, he forms unexpected bonds with the inhabitants of the Virginia colony, finding kinship and purpose in the unlikeliest of places.
In the embrace of a virgin forest, Richard discovers the transformative power of friendship and the healing balm of unconditional love. Through his encounters with those deemed as outsiders by society, he learns to embrace the true essence of humanity and to reflect God's love in every interaction.
As he grapples with the challenges of forging a new identity in an unfamiliar land, Richard must confront the lingering question: Can he find belonging and redemption in Jamestown and prove that his worth transcends the confines of titles and expectations?

Faith of Our Fathers

Book 3
Kentucky to Missouri

Book 3 Kentucky to Missouri
will soon be available in print or e-book from Amazon or wherever fine books are sold.

Ask your local bookstore or library to purchase this book.

Kentucky to Missouri

will soon be available in E-Book

Kentucky to Missouri

will soon be available in Paperback

The Christian historical fiction Kentucky to Missouri
is a work still in progress

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By the dark of the moon, canoes slide silently over a black river. Leading this contingency of braves, Chief Opitchapam and his son, Na-ta’a-em, and their precious cargo: Richard Burton, his young Powhatan wife, and John Running Stream Burton, the chief’s infant grandson, as they escape Jamestown. Fleeing the tumult of Jamestown, this brave band seeks refuge among the welcoming Shawnee people in Henricopolis, a sanctuary amidst the turmoil of colonial Virginia.

Years of unsettling violence of the French-Indian wars, the British press for more land, and the Iroquois’ greed for more fertile hunting grounds forced the family to leave their Henricopolis home in 1641. The Burton family forge across the Alleghanies to a land where blue grass grows abundant and sweet, and peace enfolds them. Richard Burton and his family make a new home in the Indian territory of Kentucky.

In the heart of the untamed wilderness, the Burton family's journey unfolds—a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the unyielding power of love. As they forge ahead into the unknown, they carry with them the hope of a brighter tomorrow, guided by the promise of a land where peace, prosperity, and the blessings of God await.

Faith of Our Fathers

In 1672, John Jacy embarks on a groundbreaking journey, leaving behind his Shawnee roots to pursue education at William and Mary grammar school and college, becoming the first Native American in his family to do so. Yet, his return to his village brings unexpected challenges as he navigates the complexities of love, tradition, and identity.

Upon marrying Darcy, the granddaughter of Blackfoot chief Walking Bear, John Jacy's world is forever altered. Together, they brave the harsh realities of frontier life, enduring physical trials and perilous encounters with the untamed wilderness. But as they venture into the heart of colonial society in Williamsburg, Darcy faces a different kind of adversity—one that tests her resilience and challenges her sense of belonging.

Desperate to assimilate into the genteel world of the ladies' society, Darcy must confront prejudice and discrimination, grappling with the harsh realities of a society that views her as a mere savage. Yet, amidst the trials and tribulations, she remains steadfast in her determination to carve out a place for herself, to learn, to contribute, and to belong.

As Darcy navigates the treacherous waters of social hierarchy and cultural divide, she discovers the true measure of her strength and resilience. Will she find acceptance among the women of Williamsburg? And what other trials must she face as she strives to forge her own path in a world that is not always ready to accept her?

Book 4


The Christian historical fiction Williamsburg, Virginia will soon be available in Print and ebook. 

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Book 4 Williamsburg Virginia is a work in progress. Both print and e-bok will soon be available.

Faith of Our Fathers Series

Faith of Our Fathers

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